Archive for November, 2011


The Circle of Isk

No, not that circle. Or that one. I meant this one from Jester’s site:

I’m asking for concrete examples, interaction flows if you will, between general high sec “bear” activities and activities elsewhere in the universe.

We’re aware that (for example) null sec organisations, and individuals, engage in so called “sourcing” actions in high sec. Think isotopes, think minerals (compressed).

In that example, the question is whether that is an interaction with roots in so called “buying power” (null sec buys in bulk regardless of identity of source) or “distributed sourcing” (where null sec takes in what secondary accounts located in high sec collect / provide).

Good question, and one that deserves its own post. Understanding where isk and resources flow is essential to making good judgement about industry, trade and all the other game design issues surrounding null-sec.

First, a caveat: I have never been particularly high in the logistics wing of an alliance, but I have talked to people who were, so my perspective is perhaps best described as ‘interested observer’ rather than ‘industry insider’.

For the purposes of these lists, I will ignore anything that is functionally used up inside the same security level. For instance, high-sec POS towers use faction charters, which come from empire loyalty points, which mostly come from highsec mission-runners, so they are ignored. However, since most of the ice produced in high-sec doesn’t end up in a high-sec POS, it is included in the list of exports.



  • Low-end minerals
  • Ice
  • Tech 1 salvage
  • Empire Faction modules and ships
  • Tech 2 modules, ships and rigs
  • Starbases
  • PI Materials (about 50% of everything extracted)
  • Isk


  • T2 materials
  • Pirate implants and ships
  • Tech 3 ships
  • Deadspace modules



  • Capital ships
  • killmails


  • T1 ships
  • Faction ammo and modules
  • T2 ships and modules
  • Starbases
  • Ice / POS fuel



  • High-end minerals
  • Low-end minerals via drone loot
  • Pirate modules, ships and implants
  • Deadspace modules
  • Goodfites
  • Node crashes
  • Isk (bounties)
  • T2 raw materials
  • PI Materials


  • Low-end minerals (and/or 425mm rails)
  • T1 ships and ammo (often easier to jump-freight in than acquire the low-ends for)
  • Faction ammo and modules
  • T2 ships and modules
  • Starbases
  • Ice / POS fuel



  • High-end minerals (allegedly)
  • T3 components
  • T2 components via reactions or alchemy
  • Combat Boosters
  • PI materials


  • T2 ships
  • Faction ammo and modules
  • T3 ships
  • low-end minerals
  • POS Fuel

A typical null-sec industry scenario

Sso much gets produced in highsec that an independent null-sec is functionally impossible. The T2 materials must be sourced from all over the map, which means safe trade hubs, which means highsec.

Once you’re in highsec already to source your T2 materials, you might as well produce the T2 items in highsec too, since the ingredients take more space than the finished product, and there’s plenty of manufacturing spots in high-sec, unlike null. Then, you pick up anything else you need (implants, faction ammo, T2/T3 ships you can’t be bothered inventing, 425mm railguns for making supercaps) at a convenient market hub then jump freight everything to null. On the way back to highsec, you freight a cargohold full of ABCM and deadspace items and dump them on the market. You never once considered stopping in low-sec to sell or buy anything.

How would you fix this?

Define fix. Everything currently works fairly well. Stuff gets to the people who want them; money changes hands; nobody has to do anything they don’t want to.

Assuming ‘fix’ means something equivalent to ‘make low-sec more attractive to industry people, and encourage nullsec industrialists to produce more stuff in nullsec instead of buying everything in highsec’, then there’s a few things that deserve scrutiny:

  1. T2 stuff won’t ever be produced in large numbers in nullsec when it’s so difficult to get all the T2 components.  However, encouraging low-sec T2 production is a distinct possibility…
  2. A congestion premium for Empire station manufacturing and research slots would push more industry into low-sec, or at least ameliorate the situation now, where copy slots in Empire run at a two-month backlog.
  3. Ice in high-sec may need tweaking, but removing it will force a lot of people in low- and nullsec to do that unpleasant task instead of paying someone else to do it for them.
  4. Low-end minerals are a major material sink in null, but high-sec has a massive over-supply of low-ends at present so additional sources in nullsec may crash the market unless transporting low-ends to null is also nerfed at the same time (I suggest slowing down reprocessing)

Crucible: Item Spoiler

TGL3 has a list of the features that CCP has implemented for Crucible, but is light on the specifics of the new modules that will arrive on the 29th. That’s where I come in.

Chruker has an awesome site which has a linkable Eve database. What’s better is that he also imports the Singularity test server builds from time to time, and shows the changes between the two. This can sometimes be a lot of changes, but I have distilled the important changes for the Crucible release.

Definitely in Crucible

(Note: if links don’t work, put


at the end and refresh)




Drone Upgrades


Gang Links


Hull Repairers

Siege Modules


Tractor Beams

Electronic Warfare

Skills and Implants

Not Available in Crucible but Still Interesting

Dust 514-related


Jita Riots Legacy

Remember the Jita Riots?
Top image is on Singularity server; bottom image is what it used to look like.

Show Info now shows:

This was once a memorial to the winners of a riddle contest sponsored by late entrepreneur Ruevo Aram. After standing proud for half a decade, it was destroyed in late YC113 by capsuleers who were staging a mass uprising against an intolerable status quo of intergalactic affairs. Today, the ruins of this once-great work of art stand as a testament to the fact that change is the universe’s only constant.

Source: failheap


Interesting link #13: Tracking Disruptors 101

Warning: some questionable content towards the end of the guide.

The rest of the Broski tutorials can be found here, but the ones I’ve posted so far are the best of them.


Why Blaster Ammo Needs Changing

From Failheap:

Blaster Cannon II

Basically, this graph shows that, aside from Faction Antimatter and Null, none of the other hybrid charges are ever worth loading into your guns.


Interesting link #12: Jump Clones 101

It’s like learning, but with pictures!


Still Going South

That’s twice now, for the same constellation.

I’m just lucky I moved back to Empire before the Omist Curse* struck again.

*no pun intended

Update: more details on en24.


How Many Baskets?

For many organizations, power and growth come from the idea of having lots of customers and even more potential customers. Lots of eggs, lots of baskets.

When one gets annoyed or leaves for a lower price or goes out of business, no big deal, there’s always more where he came from. Believing you have an abundance of alternatives means that you can mistreat, ignore or reject any individual if you like. Or make something that merely delights a few, instead of all.

Even a frequent flyer with 100,000 miles on his account is disposable when you have millions of them.

For a few organizations, the opposite is true. One basket, cared for and watched carefully. When no one else can focus on and serve that customer as well as you (because you have no choice, it’s your only basket) you have a huge obligation but you also have a platform to do great work.

Source: Seth Godin

Sound familiar, CCP? Get back into the spaceship business before you lose all your eggs.

You know what's worse than putting all your eggs in one basket? Having no eggs at all.